Cutting muscles and illusions
My surgery felt like such a clear description of the dichotomy of going from a family of disabled friends to a world of people that couldn't understand my existence. I had switched preschools the year before so I was technically in pre-k/kindergarten I was five years old and already felt alone

Rock Climbing Realizations
. But the feeling after the thought was what shocked me. The feeling of calm and acceptance, the feeling of your right you dont have the ability to do the activity. But this time the thought didn’t linger and it honestly felt like a weight off my shoulders.

Boudoir, the Pool, and I
Which they did they started the connection between my body, heart, and soul but they were able to be mostly removed to facilitate a deeper connection of trust and love. It gave me the ability to listen and hear what my body is saying and move together with it. To trust what my body is saying, doing, and desiring and to let go in spaces it knows it can be held.I can trust my body to hold itself, to know what is good for it, when it needs to hold on when it can let go, and trust itself and float into freedom